Wednesday 10 June 2015

Tanjung Sutera Resort escapade.. another BFF unplanned and untold history

Bakpelah panjang benar tajuknya tu uuuu?! jenuh nak menelaah.. ye dak? Ni bila mood rajin datang sesepoi angin baq hang! cuba angin rajin dia tak mai.. jangan harap nak muncul.. terus tenggelam tak mau timbul! hahahaha

When i choose to balik my hometown, least that i expect that my life here would be totally turn upside down.. of course with a lot of awesome experience along the way but for my career life.. i'm totally not expecting it.. with lots of work then come greater responsibilities i think i almost sank to death.. probably i'm just not able to cope with it. Often i get murung and often jugaklah stress tahap gaban tu datang.. but i think sekarang dah ok kot! hehehe

So, i ni memang manja sikit.. sikit jer lah! so often it occurs that when i'm really stress i will phone my BFF and ask them to help me deal with my stress.. and how we deal with it? of course by catching up with each other and sat for a cup of coffee or two.. ni dulu zaman duk praktis kat KL anytime boleh buat hokey! laa ni bila dah duduk tercampak jauh kat selatan sensorang ni.. mana dapat kawan! so, kena buat plan gila ajak diaorg meet up and pergilah mana2.. bulan ke bintang ke.. kihkihkih

How much i sayang my BFF? sayang gila kot!! sebabnya they are always there.. infact we try as much as possible to be there for each other.. ohh, how sweetttt! Tapi memanglah sweet kot since liz is willing to drive all the way to JB with ina of course temankan dia to meet me here.. wahhhhh!! syok kan?? so bila dah datang tu kepala kena ligat sikit fikir where to spend our limited times together.. memang really unplanned tapi still it turn out to be an awesome one! yeayyy.. so we finally choose to go to Tanjung Sutera Resort somewhere kat Sedili Besar, Kota Tinggi  and spend a night there.. the experience there is totally a great place for escapade.. i bet you will like it if you are looking for a place to relax your mind, body and soul.. haa, gitu!

Ni signboard jalan masuk resort tu.. agak tersorok sikit so kena pandai2 look out for it ye.. oh by the way, jalan masuk ke resort ni lalu denai2 kelapa sawit ye.. ingat salah jalan dah memula tu! hehehe

Ni jalan nak masuk ke resort dari main gate dan signboard tadi.. hijau je.. seronok!

 selfie is a must kan bila sampai.. tapi i jarang buat tau.. sometimes jek! hahaha

 i wanted to share rupa pondok penginapan kami yang cantik tu.. tapi i don't know where have the picture gone to.. tak jumpa, penat selongkar dah.. so i share gambar selipar jepun jek ye.. ekekeke

 while ina & liz were buzy doing NOTHING i'm taking this candid for them.. actually, nak ambil gambar pool, don't know why they enter-frame somehow.. hehe

 ni masa baru2 sampai tunggu masa check in.. kagum kot dengan laut yang terbentang luas ni.. lepas hujan masa ni and still drizzling tapi dah tak sabar kot! hahaha

 Ina took first candid for me.. i like it! ;)

 The 2nd candid ina took for me when i was on phone bincangkan masalah negara! hahaha.. i like it too!! ;) *nampak dekat kan laut tu macam dah banjir dah kan.. actually, it is really far down.. tinggi kot resort ni dari paras laut! 

Ni bukan wefie tapi on camera setting.. but still we look good together.. hehe

This view taken tak jauh dari depan bilik kitaorang sebab we choose to stay at pond.. so oklah, not bad! tapi a bit pricey ye.. per person around RM230-250/nite (*termasuk makan dan penginapan ye tapi bilik tu takdelah tv ke peti ais ke.. bilik with aircond sahaja & ada attached bathroom kat dalam & luar.. very basic! so, don't expect lelebih ye)

Masa kitaorg datang ni tak banyak aktiviti sangat sebab resort ni under renovation.. tapi overall its a nice place to stay if u are looking for ketenangan jiwa & rohani.. cheewahh!! 
Boleh lah google tempat ni kalau berminat kan.. its a private property and maintained well.. please go to see lah! cakap banyak pun tak guna kan.. hehehe

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