Wednesday 10 June 2015

Tanjung Sutera Resort escapade.. another BFF unplanned and untold history

Bakpelah panjang benar tajuknya tu uuuu?! jenuh nak menelaah.. ye dak? Ni bila mood rajin datang sesepoi angin baq hang! cuba angin rajin dia tak mai.. jangan harap nak muncul.. terus tenggelam tak mau timbul! hahahaha

When i choose to balik my hometown, least that i expect that my life here would be totally turn upside down.. of course with a lot of awesome experience along the way but for my career life.. i'm totally not expecting it.. with lots of work then come greater responsibilities i think i almost sank to death.. probably i'm just not able to cope with it. Often i get murung and often jugaklah stress tahap gaban tu datang.. but i think sekarang dah ok kot! hehehe

So, i ni memang manja sikit.. sikit jer lah! so often it occurs that when i'm really stress i will phone my BFF and ask them to help me deal with my stress.. and how we deal with it? of course by catching up with each other and sat for a cup of coffee or two.. ni dulu zaman duk praktis kat KL anytime boleh buat hokey! laa ni bila dah duduk tercampak jauh kat selatan sensorang ni.. mana dapat kawan! so, kena buat plan gila ajak diaorg meet up and pergilah mana2.. bulan ke bintang ke.. kihkihkih

How much i sayang my BFF? sayang gila kot!! sebabnya they are always there.. infact we try as much as possible to be there for each other.. ohh, how sweetttt! Tapi memanglah sweet kot since liz is willing to drive all the way to JB with ina of course temankan dia to meet me here.. wahhhhh!! syok kan?? so bila dah datang tu kepala kena ligat sikit fikir where to spend our limited times together.. memang really unplanned tapi still it turn out to be an awesome one! yeayyy.. so we finally choose to go to Tanjung Sutera Resort somewhere kat Sedili Besar, Kota Tinggi  and spend a night there.. the experience there is totally a great place for escapade.. i bet you will like it if you are looking for a place to relax your mind, body and soul.. haa, gitu!

Ni signboard jalan masuk resort tu.. agak tersorok sikit so kena pandai2 look out for it ye.. oh by the way, jalan masuk ke resort ni lalu denai2 kelapa sawit ye.. ingat salah jalan dah memula tu! hehehe

Ni jalan nak masuk ke resort dari main gate dan signboard tadi.. hijau je.. seronok!

 selfie is a must kan bila sampai.. tapi i jarang buat tau.. sometimes jek! hahaha

 i wanted to share rupa pondok penginapan kami yang cantik tu.. tapi i don't know where have the picture gone to.. tak jumpa, penat selongkar dah.. so i share gambar selipar jepun jek ye.. ekekeke

 while ina & liz were buzy doing NOTHING i'm taking this candid for them.. actually, nak ambil gambar pool, don't know why they enter-frame somehow.. hehe

 ni masa baru2 sampai tunggu masa check in.. kagum kot dengan laut yang terbentang luas ni.. lepas hujan masa ni and still drizzling tapi dah tak sabar kot! hahaha

 Ina took first candid for me.. i like it! ;)

 The 2nd candid ina took for me when i was on phone bincangkan masalah negara! hahaha.. i like it too!! ;) *nampak dekat kan laut tu macam dah banjir dah kan.. actually, it is really far down.. tinggi kot resort ni dari paras laut! 

Ni bukan wefie tapi on camera setting.. but still we look good together.. hehe

This view taken tak jauh dari depan bilik kitaorang sebab we choose to stay at pond.. so oklah, not bad! tapi a bit pricey ye.. per person around RM230-250/nite (*termasuk makan dan penginapan ye tapi bilik tu takdelah tv ke peti ais ke.. bilik with aircond sahaja & ada attached bathroom kat dalam & luar.. very basic! so, don't expect lelebih ye)

Masa kitaorg datang ni tak banyak aktiviti sangat sebab resort ni under renovation.. tapi overall its a nice place to stay if u are looking for ketenangan jiwa & rohani.. cheewahh!! 
Boleh lah google tempat ni kalau berminat kan.. its a private property and maintained well.. please go to see lah! cakap banyak pun tak guna kan.. hehehe

Tuesday 9 June 2015

2D1N BFF unplanned trip to Janda Baik

Seriously yang memang serius dah lama gile kot tak do any write up... Busy ke? haa.. tak tau nak jawab.. busy lah kot.. hehe

Masa mcm running too fast gitu.. really flies.. tengok2 nak puasa lagi dah.. tengok2 dah hampir setahun tak tulis apa2.. nothing.. nadaa.. hahaha.. well, expecting the free time tu macam memang totally impossible.. infact sejak pindah balik JB i hardly had any times to meet up with frens and spend quality time dengan diaorang.. but we promised each other that at least once a year kita meet up.. problem is kalau i free they are not free and vice-versa so ended up plan tu tak ke mana pun.. i lebih suka buat surprise tiba2 muncul kat KL and they can't say NO to me.. see how jahat i am! hahaha.. well, if i didn't do that then better lupakan saja impian dan cita2 untuk bercuti berjumpa bersama.. memang taklah!

Tapi i pun jarang kot buat plan gile tiba2 muncul kat KL tu.. kalau otak dah senak sangat and i'm really tired je kot baru i buat gile.. usually i tak buat pun those unusual act.. hehe.. susah cari masa weyyhh.. serious susah!

Last month, infact this year dari January lagi i ada macam2 problem at work.. so to sum up i kena see the disciplinary board kat KL nun untuk complaint yang i rasa baseless sangat against me and the firm.. so what to do, prepare kes itu ini.. 2 kes pulak tu sekali kena! haa, lifetime experience betul tau! sejarah betul sejak mula praktis dari year 2004.. 11 tahun camtu.. sekali kena panggil mengadap DB ketaq jugak lutut.. hahaha.. oklah malas nak recall the bad experience tu.. apepun semuanya dah ends pretty well kecuali the last case tu on May 15 tak berapa memberangsangkan outcome dia so i decided to poke my frens and ajak diaorg lepak2 minum2 jumpa2 gosip2.. haa, gitulah.. stress kengkonon! hehe

My frens actually mmg tak prepared sangat pasal yang sorang tu busy dengan business online dia.. yang sorang lagi dah plan nak pegi sipadan dengan housemate ke workmate dia gitu.. sekali i caras u! hahaha.. i cakap if u don't want to see me it's okay tapi i pun tak tau bila i akan datang KL and jumpa u orang lagi.. haaa, threat gitu! kesian jugaklah my frens tapi they are my BFF kan?? geng outing trekking outdoor yang supercool.. so, diaorg layan kan jugak padahal masing2 super blurred tak tahu nak bawa i pegi mana.. hmmmm

So, finally liz was suggesting Janda Baik.. i ikut je, any place asal boleh lepak dengan diaorang.. tapi seriously i memang tak pernah pegi pun Janda Baik tu so i couldn't imagine the place walaupun dulu masa study kat UIA Gombak tu ada je kengkawan yang ajak pegi tapi i tak teringin.. hahaha

Trip ni macam trip terjah sikit sebab dalam keadaan hujan lebat petang tu liz was driving (awal2 tu kereta pancit masa on the way nak ambil ina somewhere around Subang.. i dah buat muka tempe basi jugak time ni! hahaha.. kesian liz!) then bila sampai Janda Baik yang super cool tu around 4pm, punyalah susah nak dapat tempat tido.. dugaan betul! dari yang takde bintang sampai berbintang2 semua kitaorang tanya.. hopeless sangat! and finally around 6.30pm i dah mula give up.. i cakap kita balik KL je lah.. sebab stress tak dapat 1 bilik pun sejak tadi.. hari nak gelap weyhh.. takut!! 

Tapi my fren liz ni punya sikap yang sangat positive.. super positive tau.. sebab dia insist kita cari lagi! whatt?? letih dah ni... and finally masa dah ala2 nak give up tu, kami nampak 1 signboard.. terus call tanya and DAPATTTTTTT!!! Ya Allah, suka kemain masa tu.. memang pertolongan Allah datang tepat pada masanya.. alhamdulillah.. dapat challet yang betul2 tepi sungai.. syokkkkkkk! *makcik tu cakap ni paling mahal ye.. tapi taklah mahal sangat.. around RM150/nite jek.. so kitaorg sharing dalam RM50/person.. oklah kan, memang not bad! bilik ada katil, tv (with astro ok!), kettle.. oklah what to expect kan? yang penting ada tempat tido and that night kitaorang boleh gosip2 sampai tengah malam.. itu je pun! hehehe

So, lepas check in and bersihkan diri solat semua kitaorang keluar cari makan malam.. dinner somewhere dekat kampung tu juga.. tapi kalau by walking jauh kot and gelap! by car pun few minutes it tooks you.. and agak sunyi juga Janda Baik ni.. sunyi betul! kecuali bunyi cengkerik, air sungai yang deras, bunyi kodok lepas hujan.. haa, tu je lah.. BUT memang this is the place untuk rehatkan minda.. feeling refresh sangat! pagi2 tu boleh dah nak terjun sungai berendam sampai kecut2 jari.. hehehe

So, this is among the picture i sempat took masa kat sana.. masa terjun sungai tu takde sebab tak senonoh sikit rupanya.. hewhewhew

Malam.. gelap + sunyi + sejuk = perut lapar.. hahaha

 When i crossed this bridge the rapid.. OMG!! takut.. sangat deras and mampu menghanyutkan sebatang kayu balak! yes, kayu balak i repeat! so, teragak2 nak crossed sebab ina & liz dah selamat crossed kat depan tu.. dasar penakut! hahaha

 This candid picture of me & liz taken by ina depan challet comel kitaorang.. so sungai belakang tu je.. memang dekat sangat.. masa ni nak pegi cari breakfast yang katanya sedap giler! roti canai garing kat warung simpang 3 kampung ni dan lempeng ye.. ye lempeng yang sedap! *sorry gambar makan tak ambil sebab takde mood! hmm.. excuse apekah?? hahaha

And over here.. a lot of bananananana.. pisang yang murah, i tell u JB pun tak dapat harga murah mcm ni hokey! 2 hinggit jek seikat tu.. sebab i hantu makan pisang, so i belilah sikit buat makan sambil mandi manda di sungai tu.. hikhikhik *ina, modelling the pisang with her! hahaha

So, walaupun it's a short vacay tapi sebenarnya we cherish it really much sebab memang susah nak kumpul2 jumpa2 macam ni sambil makan pisang.. hahaha.. the great companion memang really matter kan?? so sape kata dalam malaysia tak boleh release stress.. boleh je! yang penting uols happy kann?? as for me.. memang i'm really happy cos i got to met my BFF release my stress and most importantly i dapat lesson in life.. belajar dari alam.. terbaik sangat! really hope to meet them soon again somewhere somehow sometime.. i really wish cos they are really cool people yang boleh tahan dengan i punya perangai! hahaha